#c// ###################################################################
#c// Album Theme by Ed Maste, updated by DaveSource
#c// ###################################################################
  # Path setting - this is the path to the images
  $PATH = Theme_Path();

  # Font/color settings for the document
  $BORDER_WIDTH = "0";
  $TITLE_FONT = "face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica' color='black' size='-1'";
  $MAIN_FONT = "face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica' color='#777777' size='-2'";
  $CREDIT_FONT = "face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica' color='blue' size='-2'";
  $BODY = "bgcolor='#ffffff' text='#777777' link='blue' alink='blue' vlink='purple'";
  $SEP_BAR = "<div align='center'><img src='$PATH/Null.gif' height='5' width='1'><br><img src='$PATH/Bar.gif' width='95%' height='3' border='0'><br><img src='$PATH/Null.gif' height='5' width='1'></div>";
  # Shorthand for column info specified by -columns
  $Cols = Get_Opt('columns');
  $Col_Perc = int(100/$Cols)."%";

  # Image arrays are: name, width, height
  sub img_src { print "<img src='$PATH/$_[0]' width='$_[1]' height='$_[2]' $_[3] border='0'>" if ($_[1]); }

  # Thumbnail border
  $X = Image_Page() ? Image_Width() : Get_Opt('x');
  $Y = Image_Page() ? Image_Height() : Get_Opt('y');
  @ThBord_L =   ("ThBord_L.gif", 11, $Y-0-0);
  @ThBord_R =   ("ThBord_R.gif", 13, $Y-0-0);
  @ThBord_TL =  ("ThBord_TL.gif", 11, 11);
  @ThBord_TR =  ("ThBord_TR.gif", 13, 11);
  @ThBord_BL =  ("ThBord_BL.gif", 11, 13);
  @ThBord_BR =  ("ThBord_BR.gif", 13, 13);
  @ThBord_T =   ("ThBord_T.gif", $X+11+13-11-13, 11);
  @ThBord_B =   ("ThBord_B.gif", $X+11+13-11-13, 13);

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <: Meta() :>
    <title>Album: <: pAlbum_Name() :></title>

  <body <:=$BODY:>>
    <table border="<:=$BORDER_WIDTH:>" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align='center' width="95%">

        <td colspan="<:=($Cols-1):>">
          <font <:=$TITLE_FONT:>>
          <: pJoin_Parent_Albums(":"); :>
        <td width="25%">
          <div align="right">
            <a href='../index.html'><font <:=$TITLE_FONT:>>Back</font></a>


#c// Are there more albums below this one?
<:  if (Child_Albums() || isHeader()) { _:>
    <table border="<:=$BORDER_WIDTH:>" width='95%' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>

<:    if (Child_Albums()) { _:>
    <font <:=$TITLE_FONT:>><b>Folders</b>:</font><br>

#c// Loop on all the albums
<:      while (Child_Albums()) { _:>
          <font <:=$TITLE_FONT:>>&nbsp;&nbsp;<: pChild_Album() :></font><br>
#c// End album loop
<:      Next_Child_Album() :>
<:      } :>

<:    } :>

#c// --SGR
<:   if (isHeader()) { _:>
	    <td valign="bottom" width="50%">
	      <font <:=$TITLE_FONT:>>
<:   } _:>
#c// ++SGR


#c// Bar after child albums

#c// End if sub-albums
<:  } :>

#c// The images

<: if (Images()) { :>
    <table border="<:=$BORDER_WIDTH:>" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

  <: while (Images()) { _:>//
        <td valign="top" width="<:=$Col_Perc:>">
          <div align="center">
          <nobr><:img_src(@ThBord_TL):><:img_src(@ThBord_T):><:img_src(@ThBord_TR):></nobr><br />
          <nobr><:img_src(@ThBord_L):><a href=<:=Image_URL():>><:pImage_Thumb_Src():></a><:img_src(@ThBord_R):></nobr><br />
          <nobr><:img_src(@ThBord_BL):><:img_src(@ThBord_B):><:img_src(@ThBord_BR):></nobr><br />
          <font <:=$MAIN_FONT:>>
            <a href=<:=Image_URL():>>

<:     if (!(Image_Cnt() % $Cols) && Images_Left()) { _:>//
#c// Start a new row
      <tr height="<:=$INTER_ROW_HEIGHT:>">
        <td height="<:=$INTER_ROW_HEIGHT:>" colspan="<:=$Cols:>"><img src="<:=$PATH:>/Null.gif" width="20" height="<:=$INTER_ROW_HEIGHT:>" border="0"></td>
<:     } :>
#c// End image loop



#c// Optional footer
<: if (isFooter()) { _:>
	    <td valign="bottom" width="50%">
	      <font <:=$TITLE_FONT:>>
<: } _:>

    <div align="center">
    <font <:=$CREDIT_FONT:>><: Credit() :> on <:=scalar localtime:></font></div>

