#c// options: -image_sizes #c// ################################################################### #c// Album Theme by David Ljung Madison based on #c// generic SimmerTheme by Dave Simmer of DaveWeb.com #c// -- Auto generated by http://MarginalHacks.com/Hacks/album/simmer_theme #c// ################################################################### #c// <: # Image arrays are: name, width, height sub img_src { print "" if ($_[1]); } # Path setting - this is the path to the images $PATH = Theme_Path(); # Font/color settings for the document $TITLE_FONT = "size='5' color='#ffffff' face='Times New Roman,Georgia,Times'"; $MAIN_FONT = "face='Times New Roman,Georgia,Times'"; $CREDIT_FONT = "face='Verdana' color='#ffffff'"; $BODY = "background='$PATH/bkgrnd.gif' link='#0099FF' alink='#0099FF' vlink='#0099FF' text='#FFFFFF'"; # Icons/graphics @Bar_L = ("Bar_L.gif", 20, 20); @Bar_M = ("Bar_M.gif", "90%", 20); @Bar_R = ("Bar_R.gif", 20, 20); @Icon = ("Icon.gif", 217, 42); @Back = ("Back.gif", 120, 42); @Next = ("Next.gif", 30, 42); @Prev = ("Prev.gif", 30, 42); @More = ("More.gif", 120, 42); # Thumbnail border $X = Image_Page() ? Image_Width() : Get_Opt('x'); $Y = Image_Page() ? Image_Height() : Get_Opt('y'); @ThBord_L = ("ThBord_L.gif", 20, $Y-0-0); @ThBord_R = ("ThBord_R.gif", 20, $Y-0-0); @ThBord_TL = ("ThBord_TL.gif", 30, 20); @ThBord_TR = ("ThBord_TR.gif", 30, 20); @ThBord_BL = ("ThBord_BL.gif", 30, 20); @ThBord_BR = ("ThBord_BR.gif", 30, 20); @ThBord_T = ("ThBord_T.gif", $X+20+20-30-30, 20); @ThBord_B = ("ThBord_B.gif", $X+20+20-30-30, 20); :>// #c// #c// Everything beyond here is the same for the generic DaveWeb image theme..
<: Meta() :>
> <: pJoin_Parent_Albums(":"); :> |
<: Set_Image_Prev() :>// PREV > |
<: Set_Image_This() :>// CAPTION
> <:pImage_Caption():> |
<: Set_Image_Next() :>// NEXT > |
#c// All corners <: if (@ThBord_LB) { _:>
#c// No corners <: } else { _:> ><:pImage_Src():> <: } _:> |
<:img_src("Null.gif",20,20):> | |||||||||||||||
><: Credit() :> on <:=scalar localtime:>